
Showing posts from March, 2020


It is only three letters long And yet it can last for so many years It's only three measly letters Yet it brings so much blood and tears So many lives it claims So many others it tears apart Three letters are all it takes For a new era to start 'W’ stands for wonderful Though it is anything but Death and destruction are all it brings Along with coupons amount of hurt 'A' stands for awesome Though awful is more like it It slowly drains away all joy Crushing it bit by bit 'R' stands for reasonable Though it can never be so named The losses sustained are always too heavy And very little is ever gained Together they spell WAR A word like no other When blood and death are all you can see When you mistrust your own brother It's only three letters long And yet it ruins many a life It's only three measly letters Yet it spells a tale of pain, sorrow and strife

The Lone Survivor

He turned his great grey head As his sharp eyes scanned his home The empty wasteland that stretched below Was one the place where wild beast would roam   But now there was hardly a plant in sight The ground was crack and dry It had not rained for so very long Oh, how he wished to hear the peacock's cry!   He should be following the lion Waiting for the remains of his prey Or stalk the local wolf pack Though they weren't great help on that fray   He should be soaring with his family Flying over the tower of silence And feed on the dead and decaying For he hated all forms of violence   But his family was long gone And so were those glorious days Mankind had killed them all By harming the environment in so many ways   He was the lone survivor The only vulture left And now that good was scarce He had to lower himself to theft   As he spread his great black wings to leave his perch   Hi...


Call them figments of your imagination Refer to them as your goal Think of them as nothing more than animation Or consider them but a silly notion You cannot deny their importance to the soul See them during the day while awake Or see them with your eyes closed They are your one belonging that none can take They shall always be there like an ever-present lake Never to be dried; never to be hosed Dare to see them, dare to make them come true Keep moving, keep straining, don’t fear getting hit There will be times when life’s wan, grey and blue But happiness shall always come when it’s due ‘Cause in the end, dreams make life worth it