A World Gone Astray
On a morning like any other
With the ever-present sun burning bright
I woke to find myself in a world
Where nothing seemed quite right
Oh, the birds still chirped in the trees
The fish had not sprouted wings
The dead still lay beneath the dirt
While the living did a zillion ordinary things
Oh, the dear did not shoot the hunters
Homo sapiens were still on the top
Two plus two did not become five
All technology did not spontaneously stop
Oh, the earth was still as polluted as ever
The sky had not turned green
The clock still ticked merrily away
No impossible sights were seen
Yet it was a topsy - turvy world
Life seemed to have turned upside-down
Things weren’t the way they were meant to be
And I could do naught but flown
Honour and bravery meant nothing here
Knowledge was worth no more than a penny
Lies and corruption seemed to run rampart
The worth of an honest man was: not any!
Those that were meant to be kind and compassionate
Could not bring themselves to care for another
Virtue was just empty words
Where man killed his own brother
This world had gone astray
The fairy tales were all a lie
And I saw it in all its brutality
As the veil from my unsuspecting eye.
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