C andles unwaned are snuffed out too soon, O range glows fading to empty black; R are is the joy that pierces the gloom, O verwhelming is the anxiety of attack. N o one is safe now, there is no cocoon, A nd naught to do but cry alack. C arnage, ceaseless and ghastly, fills our sight, O bituaries unwritten and tragedies untold crowd every hall; R aw terror and plain powerlessness smother all light O bscuring the future behind an unsurmountable wall; N othing in our new world seems truly bright, A s the abject fear and cold despair consumes us all. C rowded streets are now bereft of souls, O nce thriving cities have become a grave; R arely do we peek out of our holes: O ur own houses that as cages enslave; N ever has the silence taken such tolls, A s the world drowns in a noisy wave. C ries unheeded flit breathlessly through the salted air, O f the shore of the treacherous sea where we are; R iptides are common, abr...
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